Strategy Planning

Building a mobile app strategy - Identifying the industry needs

Webiotic works to discover if the industry actually needs your solution. This involves asking and answering some hard questions. Does your idea fill a legitimate need? How is the industry currently addressing the problem? Is this a long-term problem that needs a solution or will the matter resolve itself by the time we develop a solution?

If the idea is not viable, these questions can save you a lot of time, energy, and money. For example, if there’s no real need for a product, who’s going to buy it? Likewise, if an existing solution exists, how is yours better? This could be a significant selling point for your business, so take the time to ask these hard questions.

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Keeping Your Idea Safe

We offer optional legal services to help keep your idea safe. If an idea is viable, we’ll dig deeper by conducting thorough patent and trademark searches to be sure you can legally pursue it.

We understand our clients’ desire to protect their ideas and will sign non-disclosure agreements to that end. You can rest assured that when you approach us to learn more about our design and development services, your idea is 100 percent safe with us.

We also want to ensure that your idea is protected from others once it’s made public, which is why we offer comprehensive legal services covering trademarks and patents. Protecting your intellectual property is a top priority and is built into our process from the start.

More on keeping your idea safe

User & Industry Research

We research the industry and potential users. We typically start with your business so that we understand your company culture, brand personality, reputation, approach, and competition. From there, we broaden our research to better understand the industry. At this point, we’ve already confirmed the industry has a need for your idea, but now we want to know more about any other problems the industry faces.

The end-user is perhaps the most important factor of all, which is why user research is crucial. Which users are we targeting? What do they need? What are their pain points? What types of personalities do they have? What design styles do they like? What are their behaviors? How do they prefer to interact with a company like yours? What devices do they use? How do they surf the web? From where and what time of day?

Our goal during this phase is to gain a deep understanding of both the industry and of potential users. We want to know as much as we can about the industry and your users so that we can fine-tune the idea to better serve both.

More on user & industry research

User & Usability Testing

We develop user personas based on research to help everyone involved better understand your users and their pain points. From there, we conduct preliminary user and usability testing on your existing site or app and prototypes of our proposed solution.

Usability testing involves observing actual users performing a task with a website or app. During these tests, we observe and evaluate how a set of representative users interact with the solution, keeping an eye out for areas we can improve. Since these representative users share the same traits of the user personas, their feedback can prove invaluable.

We also employ data intelligence solutions to create real-time profiles of users that detail their actions such as reading a particular blog post or opening your email.

User and usability testing is a process we’ll return to frequently throughout the lifecycle of the finished product to ensure an optimal user experience.

More on user & usability testing

Customer Journeys

A person typically becomes a customer or user after going on what’s known as a “customer journey.” During this journey, they become aware of the brand or product, learn about it, compare it to others, and evaluate whether or not it solves a problem they have.

Throughout their journey, they have various interactions and encounters, each of which is an opportunity for a company to shine. These are moments of truth that can impact the user experience.

We use a “funnel” to visualize customers as they move from awareness to a buying decision. Those at the top of the funnel understand they have a need and are just starting to search for a solution. This is where we begin building brand awareness and education. As they move down the funnel, our strategy changes to reflect their current stage.

Webiotic develops customer journey funnels and maps that help you to fully understand the journey and optimize each interaction for a positive user experience. Journey maps are visual representations of the entire experience that enable us to identify ideal scenarios for completing critical tasks. Understanding where a customer is in their journey enables you to respond appropriately based on where they are in their buying decision.

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